Street NamesWeb game for exploring your town by naming each street. Get to the top of the leaderboard by covering the most ground.

pokerchips.ggA virtual case of poker chips; just bring the cards. Room-based poker table online.

Static PreviewPreview Github or Gitlab repos as static websites — all rendered client-side.

Falling FruitMap the urban harvest. An open-source, collaborative map of over 1.5 million forageable foods.

Startup Directoryfor the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Led project at Founders.

SMM 2 Level GeneratorA Super Mario Maker 2 level idea generator with 35,000+ users.

Terrain GenerationPerlin noise implemented in C, compiled to WASM, and visualized in HTML5 canvas.

Messenger Data AnalysisQuantitative metrics and textual analysis for Facebook Messenger data dumps. Visualize your conversations.

PokeMember engagement tool. PWA with React and Python cloud functions. Originally developed at HackIllinois 2020.

ShortenURL shortening service accessible through a the web or a command-line interface. No longer hosted (was on Heroku).